Participants interested in presenting a clinical case are invited to submit an abstract of their case. Submitted cases will be considered
for poster presentation after peer review and a limited number will be chosen as oral presentations for the clinical case discussion sessions.
All presented cases will be available in the EndoBridge annual e-book and selected accepted abstracts will be published in a supplemental issue of JCEM Case Reports.
Please CLICK HERE for the Endocrine Society’s Author Agreement and License rules.
Deadline for submissions: 16 August 2025
Abstract submission guidelines:
- Abstracts must be submitted online via web site. Abstracts sent by fax, e-mail or air-mail will not be accepted.
- Abstract must be submitted in English. Simultaneous translation will not be available at case discussion sessions.
- The space allocated for an abstract in the system is limited to 3000 characters. The system will not allow you to type in more than 3000 characters in this space.
- The fonts you will use to submit your abstract is determined by the system by default for all abstracts. It is not possible to use another font.
- One figure and two tables could be included in an abstract. Figures must be in jpg format.
- Standard abbreviations are accepted. If a special abbreviation is used, the exact expansion of the abbreviation should be written in parentheses, where the abbreviation is used for the first time.
- Abstracts must include the names, surnames and institutions of all authors.
- The abstract should have a structured format including title, introduction or background, clinical case (diagnostic evaluation, treatment, follow-up) and conclusion. References are not necessary and should be kept to a minimum.
- The preferred choice of case discussion session needs to be provided at submission of the abstract.
- Financial disclosures and funding resources should be included, where applicable at the end of the abstract.
Clinical case submission categories
- Diabetes
- Obesity, metabolism and nutrition
- Bone and calcium
- Pituitary
- Thyroid
- Adrenal
- Male reproductive endocrinology
- Female reproductive endocrinology
- Neuroendocrine tumors
Presenters will be informed of acceptance by 23 September 2025 and a full set of accepted abstracts will be circulated to delegates in the programme and abstract book at the event.
Should you experience problems in submitting an abstract, please contact to
[email protected] (Tel: +90 212 258 50 28)
EndoBridge® clinical case awards will be granted based on originality, content, scientific and educational value of the case presentations.
- Best Oral Case Presentation Award: One award will be given in the form of complimentary registration and accommodation for EndoBridge 2026.
- Best Poster Case Presentation Award: One award will be given in the form of complimentary registration for EndoBridge 2026.
- Awards will be granted to the presenting author of the case and award certificates will be given at the closing ceremony of the meeting.
Should you wish to discuss the suitability of your case, please contact Scientific Secretariat by email
[email protected]